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Big bang simulator achieves first proton collisions

"Scientists rejoiced last night when they managed to smash proton beams together for the first time in a £6bn giant machine designed to reveal clues about the origins of the universe."

Category: Big Science


Night vision scopes see daylight

A "two-day event brought together members of the armed forces, military contractors and weapons researchers... " to see "...a range of night vision and thermal-imaging equipment that developers hope will give the British armed...

Category: Weapons


Can you stop bridges collapsing in floods?

"A number of bridges have collapsed or are on the verge of giving way in the Cumbrian floods. But is there any way to guarantee this doesn't happen?"

Category: Climate Change


Copenhagen in graphics

"Where do greenhouse gas emissions come from?"

Category: Climate Change


Cern's Large Hadron Collider makes first collisions

"Engineers operating the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have smashed together proton beams in the machine for the very first time."

Category: Big Science

Displaying results 876 to 880 out of 2977